

학원명 ECK교육 담당부서 전화외국어팀
담당자 ECK교육 연락처 02-733-9950
홈페이지 http://www.eckedu.com/eck/ 이메일 eckedu@naver.com
학원주소 [08393] 서울 구로구 디지털로32가길 16 (구로동, 파트너스타워2차) 401호


제목 Look for the Native English instructor 모집구분 파트타임
마감일자 채용시마감 모집분야 영어
보수 면접시협의 학력 무관
성별 무관 출생년도 무관
채용방법 전화,방문,이메일 인원 1명
제출서류 이력서,졸업증명서 제출방법 EMAIL, 우편, 방문
1. Working Condition :

* Working Day: Mon ~ Fri (weekday)
* Working Hours: 06:00~14:00 (Korean Time) / 15:00~24:00(Korean Time)
You can choose three hour block from Monday to Friday at the same time.
Please know you have to give us three hr block for 5 days a week.
For example if you are going to teach from 9 am to 12 pm Korean time, that's from Monday to Friday at the
same hours.
* Teaching Time: 10 or 20 minutes
* Teaching Field: General Conversation, Business Conversation, Topic Discussion
* Working Place: You can work anywhere by using Internet phone that our company provides. (ex. Home, Office etc.)
* Contract Term: At least 6 month

2. Qualifications:

* Native speaker of English or Korean American of min.
* University Graduates
* Being punctual is very important.
* Needed abilities: social, responsible and enjoy teaching
* little bit of computer skill
* Teaching experience preferred

3. Document Required :
- Resume
- Certificate of Graduation

4. Recruitment Procedure :
- 1st step : Resume Screening
- 2nd step : Interview/demo lesson

If you are interested in this position above,
please send your resume at purelive2000@gmail.com (CC : phone@eckedu.com)

? Employment Type : Contract
? Compensation : Negotiable